Articulating The Arts:
Articulating the Arts is Articulate Theatre Company's signature benefit event. It brings together our Company members and guest artists with unique works of art to use as a springboard and source of inspiration for new theatre works. Our first installment focused on playwrights taking "one image" and giving us A Thousand Words. The second one took the images Off The Wall and put them on the stage! Our third AtA, Folk City Scenes, moved us from the visual arts to the musical arts, and our fourth let us bring old folklore to the modern stage with Tales in Time.
Today's world has challenged us to look at how artists impact change in the world through protest images, as our playwrights create new theatre works in response to the art created to invoke change in our society and beyond: The Art of Protest!
Today's world has challenged us to look at how artists impact change in the world through protest images, as our playwrights create new theatre works in response to the art created to invoke change in our society and beyond: The Art of Protest!
THE PLAYSCheck out our line-up and learn more about the creative teams behind each show.
THE ARTWORKSee the inspiration behind the plays, as well as other images from protests through the ages.
SHOW PIXProtest art + playwrights = Show Pictures! Check out some pictures from the show here.
THE GUESTSArticulate is an ensemble but we love hosting guest artists. Learn more about them here.