March 5th - 22nd, 2015
For more information about Thornton Wilder and his work, please visit his official website! |
Heat Waves! Ice shifting!
War Everywhere! Don't worry: there's always New Jersey. Thornton Wilder's classic reminds us that humanity has overcome troubles in the past and will inevitably do so again. Sure, we may lose a pet dinosaur here and there, but somehow we always get by - by the skin of our teeth... Press Snippets
"Bare bones production values are filled with imagination, creating just the right atmosphere...The entire cast tells the story with commitment." -- StageBuddy
"If you can only go to one Thornton Wilder production this year, you do not want to miss this very creative production that will make you laugh and ponder, and leave you impressed by the talents of this very talented and creative theater company." -- Broadway World "Thanks to a strong cast that attacks their roles with gusto and can move from comedy to drama in a blink of an eye we don’t have to think of the meaning either. We can just roll with the absurdities that are thrown to us by the strangest play to ever win the Pulitzer Prize." Hi! Drama . |
Meet The Cast
Meet The Team
Production photographs by Roy Googin.